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Meet the Artist December 5, 2018 at Britto Charette’s Studio in Wynwood

Le Petit Prince by Luis Fernando Limited Edition piece of 6 prints and 2 artists proofs. Image printed on photographic paper. Text silkscreened on glass. Wood frame. (30X45 inches)

What is essential is invisible to the eye.” –From The Little Prince by Antoine de Saint Exupéry
Looking for love? Can’t find the right words? We’ve got you covered. Britto Charette is pleased to invite you to meet artist Luis Fernando and to view an exhibition of his collection, Images and Words, at our studio in Wynwood, Miami. His collection is a clever and meaningful examination of humanity, emotion, and our symbiotic relationship with the environment. Pieces will be available for purchase. Below are excerpts from a conversation with the artist:

HO’OPONOPONO by Luis Fernando Silkscreen or lightbox. Limited edition of 6 + 2 artist’s proofs. Available in two formats: photo with silkscreen or lightbox. Only 3 remaining.

BC: You studied environmental engineering in Australia. What inspired you to make the bold move from engineering to visual storytelling?

LUIS: I was attracted to study environmental engineering in order to have a better understanding of the interaction between man and nature. However, while I was at university, I would spend more time than I should have looking at art and photography, specifically. Man and nature had an intellectual grasp on me but visual arts captured my soul. Of course, my decision-making process was also informed by my upbringing in Mexico, where the zeitgeist of the time was that of most developing countries where pursuing a career in engineering, medicine, or law seemed like the only viable options to make a decent living. In short, I was looking for economic security while nurturing my interest in the visual arts on my own time — until the 2008 world economic crisis came to be. That’s when I realized there is no real security as every industry has risks and cycles. I accepted my creativity, sensitivity and curiosity as my greatest strengths, decided to stop wasting my life looking for security, and embraced my identity as a visual artist with full commitment. That year I started to show my work at international art fairs.

BC: Tell us a little bit about your process.

LUIS: This is a very interesting question for me because I am constantly wondering what my process is. I always start with a concept and execute on the creative vision I started with. However, the actual process on how this comes to be can be polar opposites sometimes. For example, the Places of Worship collection is all about precision and control as the final piece is created by stitching hundreds of images together and the slightest error ruins the work. On the other side of the spectrum is shooting models floating in a cenote or posing nude underwater, where there is little control of the elements—the light, the exact position of the model—and spontaneity and serendipity play an important role in creating the image.

Want to give the love of your life the moon? How about the gift of a Supermoon? Our Wynwood office is hosting an exhibit of artist Luis Fernando’s works, including his popular I Supermoon You.

I SUPERMOON U by Luis Fernando Image printed on photographic paper. Text silkscreened on glass. Wood frame. Limited Edition piece of 6 prints and 2 artist’s proofs. 83X125 cm (32X49 inches)

BC: What is the source of your inspiration?

LUIS: The reason I feel so comfortable creating art as my profession is precisely because it allows me to explore the many things that I find inspiring. I can be as inspired by a book on neuroplasticity as I can be with a magnificently designed building or the human body.

BC:  If you had to choose…?

LUIS: Currently my favorite piece is an 8’ tall by 6.5’ wide image of the Köln Cathedral I printed in Dusseldorf. Combining a great quality image with a great quality print creates a really special feeling. When you see something executed at the highest quality possible—that simply brings pleasure to a human being. And I’m really happy with the installation of a very large 9-part piece comprised of nude portraits of a woman taken during each month of her pregnancy; it looks stunning. I just delivered a 10’ long, very personal piece for an energy mogul who, I am happy to say, shows it with tremendous pride to his friends. Turning my clients into raving fans is the goal.

MASCULINE AND FEMININE by Luis Fernando   Images printed on photographic paper. Text silkscreened on glass. Wood frames. This is a limited edition piece of 6 prints and artist’s proofs. Only 2 prints available. 74 x 110 centimeters (29 x 43 inches)

BC: Our team is smitten with your piece, MASCULINE AND FEMININE. Can you tell us about it?

LUIS: The image at the left represents masculine energy with the rocks and the sand; the image at the right represents feminine energy with the ocean. The photo representing feminine energy has the mantra Sat Patim Dehi Parameshwara (please give to me a man of truth who embodies the perfect masculine attributes) which is chanted when a woman is looking to attract love. The photo representing masculine energy has the mantra Om Shrim Shriyei Namaha (Om and salutations to the creative abundance that is the very form of this universe) which is chanted when a man wants to attract a woman into his life. Following the Vedic tradition, both mantras are repeated 108 times in Sanskrit.

LE PETIT PRINCE by Luis Fernando Limited Edition piece of 6 prints and 2 artist’s proofs. Image printed on photographic paper. Text silkscreened on glass. Wood frame. 76X114 cm (30X45 inches)

BC: Any advice for up-and-coming artists?

LUIS: Feed your mind with many interests that may not seem connected but will help you draw from those resources in your creation process.

BC: Where can buyers find your work?

LUIS:  I travel every few weeks between Mexico City and Miami. This to me is the perfect lifestyle combining the best of two very different worlds. I have an atelier in Mexico City and work in both places with art dealers, art consultants, and interior decorators.

You can also find me on the web at and Instagram @hola_LF

HO’OPONOPONO by Luis Fernando Silkscreen or lightbox. Limited edition of 6 + 2 artist’s proofs. Available in two formats: photo with silkscreen or lightbox. Only 3 remaining.

Located in Wynwood, Miami?

We invite you to contact us at our office:

310 NW 26 ST. SUITE A. MIAMI, FL 33127 | USA

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